Thursday, December 23, 2021

‘Tis the Season for Holiday Parties but not for Underage Drinking!


'Tis the Season for Holiday Parties but not for Underage Drinking!

It’s the time of year when family and friends gather to share Holiday cheer, eat delicious food, enjoy scrumptious desserts, and toast in the New Year. InnerAct Alliance and our coalition partners, StandUP Polk and UthMpact, wish you a safe and happy holiday season. In this joyous spirit, let’s all resolve to support our youth and keep the lines of communication open about the risks of alcohol and substance use.

Kids follow the lead of influential adults. As such, they may mirror adult behaviors and be tempted to celebrate with alcoholic drinks. Parents are still the #1 influence in their children’s lives so it’s important to be a good influence and communicate that even if adults may be drinking alcohol at holiday parties, under no circumstances should they drink. We are happy to share some quick tips to spark family discussion about safe Holiday Celebrating!

Encourage your teens not to drink & Suggest ways for them to avoid and decline alcohol! – As parents of a teen, this should always be your primary message. Underage drinking is not only illegal, but research consistently proves that drinking during adolescence before a teen’s brain is fully developed poses a significant health risk. And, it’s extremely dangerous when done in excess or when mixed with driving.

Never drive or get into a car driven by someone under the influence! – Incidents of drinking and driving among teens have diminished over the past decade due to increased knowledge and awareness, but sadly, thousands of teens and adults still fall victim to alcohol-related auto accidents. Offer your teen the assurance of a No-Questions-Asked ride home from anywhere at anytime to help prevent them from ever getting in a car with a driver who may be under the influence.

Adolescents and younger teens should not be allowed to attend parties where alcohol may be present! - If your child is going to a holiday party, call ahead to make sure that the event will be alcohol and drug free and well-chaperoned.

Truth is that most kids do not drink alcohol. The "UthMpact Facts" social norm campaign highlights  positive results from statistics in the annual Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (FYSAS) showing most Polk County Youth ARE making the right choices - 83% Choose NOT to Drink Alcohol! Knowledge like this can help kids avoid succumbing to peer pressure because they feel confident to make more informed personal decisions after knowing and considering the facts.

Keep the holiday season merry and bright by giving your children the gift of positive influence and open, supportive communication!

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