Thursday, August 31, 2023

Happy Last Day of August!


Happy last day of August! As we ease into the back to school routines, it's nice to savor the warm weather and memories of summer while we look forward to the sights and scents of fall, like apple cider and pumpkin spice! ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿงก Embrace Fall as a time of change and remember the importance of self-care to maintain positive mental wellness at this turning point in the year. 

Here's 6 great Fall Season suggestions:

* Take advantage of the hopefully cooler temps to get outside more. A quick walk and fresh air can do wonders for your mental health. Plan a family picnic with apple cider or hike a new trail. 

* Create a healthy sleep schedule to regulate hormones in the brain that affect emotions, energy levels, cognitive abilities, appetite, and more. Sleep is crucial for staying on top of our busy day-to-day activities.

* Move your body with exercises you enjoy to encourage physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Getting in 30 minutes of light or moderate activity can help improve your mood, reduce stress, and strengthen the immune system. Sign up for the Red Ribbon Kids Fun Run for K-8 students and the Family Fun Run to walk or run with your kids on Saturday, October 28 at Lake Mirror in Lakeland. Register today at

* Food can have a significant impact on both our physical and mental health. Try new recipes with fall fruits and veggies - plan a trip to the weekend farmers market to pick them out with your kids!

* Set time boundaries that allow you to focus on giving your energy to what is most important. Be comfortable saying NO to avoid overscheduling yourself and your kids. Create a schedule that is healthy and maintainable.

* While a little digital media technology is okay, too much can be harmful. Set some "no screen time" times during family dinners, road trips with friends, and date nights to allow everyone to be more engaged in the present. 

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