Thursday, November 9, 2023

Family Drug Prevention Strategies: Lessons from Red Ribbon Month


The Red Ribbon Campaign during the month of October promotes safe, drug-free communities. Proactive messages and activities emphasize the importance of making healthy choices and educate about substance abuse.

Family Drug Prevention strategies are relevant year-round. InnerAct Alliance joins with our prevention partners at Informed Families to highlight some important Red Ribbon take-aways for families and communities to reinforce important substance abuse prevention messages and help protect our most valuable resource - our youth!

1. Open the Lines of Communication - schools and communities host events at which they create awareness of the dangers of substance use and encourage students to make healthy choices.

Application for Families - ensure that your kids understand the risks and consequences. Let them know they can always come to you with questions or concerns without any fear of punishment.

2. Peer Influence and Positive Role Models - one of the Red Ribbon Campaign's main strengths is mobilizing young ambassadors to champion the cause, making it relatable to their peers.

Application for Families - encourage your children to seek friends who make positive choices. Act as role models by demonstrating healthy behaviors and decisions.

3. Educate on the Realities - schools often bring in guest speakers to educate and share the positives that most kids in Polk County ARE making the right choices to live healthy and drug-free.

Application for Families - instead of just instructing children not to use drugs, provide them with factual information. Share local statistics that celebrate the positives of youth culture - most teens in 6th-12th grade in Polk County DO NOT use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. 83% don't drink Alcohol, 88% don't use Marijuana, 96% don't use traditional Tobacco, 90% do not Vape or use E-cigs. Facts can have a profound impact to show that everyone is NOT engaging in risky behaviors. 

4. Foster a Strong Support System - the collective effort of the community in supporting the drug-free cause creates a network of accountability. 

Application for Families - engage in regular family activities and ensure that each member knows how much they are loved and supported. A strong family bond can act as a buffer against peer pressure.

5. Encourage Healthy Outlets - many schools and communities organize drug-free events, sports, arts, and other activities during Red Ribbon Month.

Application for Families - when children are engaged in constructive activities, they are less likely to seek out destructive habits. 

6. Be Proactive - the initiative doesn't wait for a crisis to act; it's proactive in its approach.

Application for Families - don't wait for signs of drug use to talk to your children about it. Start the conversation early, set clear expectations, and be vigilant about changes in behavior. 

7. Celebrate Healthy Choices - encourage and champion those who commit to staying drug-free.

Application for Families - celebrate your children's good decisions. Positive reinforcement can strengthen their resolve to make drug-free choices.

Drug-free living starts at home and we support parents to help kids grow up safe, healthy, and drug free. For tips on how to talk to your children, visit and Informed Families at Talk to your kids – they will listen!

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