If a GivingTuesday
or Holiday Donation is within your means, please consider supporting InnerAct Alliance, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
agency established in 1985 to reduce the abuse and underage use of alcohol,
tobacco, and other drugs through: Community Awareness and Involvement;
Prevention Education; Economic Support; and Leadership Development. We would
appreciate your donation to cover the cost of materials to expand prevention
programs in Hardee, Highlands, and Polk counties in Central Florida.
Researchers have observed increases
in substance abuse, overdoses, and mental health issues in the U.S. since the
COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, our kids may potentially suffer adverse effects
for years to come. To help meet the challenges, InnerAct Alliance and coalition
partners, StandUP Polk and UthMpact, share a common goal to expand prevention
initiatives, which include science-based education to nearly 15,000 students in
70 elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as outreach to over 100,000
citizens via informative presentations and social norms messaging, a premier
youth leadership program, and family-oriented awareness events such as the
Annual Red Ribbon Campaign and motivational rallies for fifth-grade students
countywide. Additional funding will go a long way to further efforts to inform
and educate more students about the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine, marijuana,
vaping, narcotics, bullying, mental health, and other risky behaviors.
Please visit https://donorbox.org/giving-tuesday-fundraiser-1 to make a tax deductible donation.
The link will be live through early January 2023 and acknowledgement will
be sent upon receipt of your gift. You may also mail your gift to: InnerAct Alliance, 621 S.
Florida Avenue, Lakeland, FL 33801, call (863) 802-0777, or visit our website www.inneractalliance.org. Thank you for your support of the prevention
education mission of InnerAct Alliance. We wish you and your family a very
happy and safe holiday season!