Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Focus on the Positive! - OWN THE UPSIDE

Focus on the Positive! - OWN THE UPSIDE

If you have had an opportunity to read a newspaper, listen to the radio, or watch TV during the month of June, odds are you have probably seen or heard Own The Upside ads spreading the GOOD NEWS that most Polk County teens do not engage in drug use or risky behaviors!

Own the Upside is a positive community marketing campaign presented by the StandUP Polk, Hardee ASAAP, and Drug Free Highlands Coalitions and their partners to address concerns of parents regarding teen risky behavior. Funding for the June Own The Upside ad campaign was provided by a state grant.

Unfortunately, we have become accustomed to believing only the discouraging news or negatives that are seen and heard in our culture, the media, and popular music lyrics.  Often, we forget there are some encouraging positives to celebrate the UPside of Polk!

Statistics show that our local prevention programs are effective in shaping attitudes about and user rates of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Attitudes about abuse are shaped well before children reach adulthood. We can continue to impact our children’s future now by continuing prevention programs and services that reduce access, identify risky behaviors, change community attitudes toward ATOD use, and empower youth to make positive healthy choices.

Let’s focus on rewarding positive behaviors that will continue to inspire our local youth to make smart and healthy decisions!  Here are some positive facts to know and share with teens and others in our community.

75% of Teens in Polk County (grades 6-12) DO NOT use Alcohol.
88% of Teens in Polk County (grades 6-12) DO NOT use Marijuana.
93% of Teens in Polk County (grades 6-12) DO NOT use Tobacco.
97% of Teens in Polk County (grades 6-12) DO NOT use Prescription Drugs.
Please do your part to “Own the Upside”! Be the best role model possible and support your kids in making smart choices. Teach them it is okay to be who they are, present them with healthy activities, and encourage them to hang out with friends that they trust. The Own the Upside speakers’ bureau is available to speak to civic groups, church groups, employees, Parent/Teacher Associations, and other organizations. Please contact Juli Davis at (863) 802-0777.

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