Invite the “Own the Upside…Avoid the Downside” Trailer to Visit Your Organization!
We are proud to offer
an exciting new resource to educate parents of teens in our community, offered
in partnership with the Polk County Sheriff’s Foundation. The “Own the Upside…Avoid the Downside” trailer is a mobile,
interactive exhibit housing a replica of a teens’ bedroom that parents can walk
through to learn how to recognize clues signaling potential involvement in
drugs and risky behaviors visible in plain sight or easily concealed in
everyday items and seemingly ordinary belongings in the room.
groups and organizations can support efforts to encourage healthy behaviors and
reduce substance abuse by inviting an Own The Upside representative to visit
with the “Own the Upside…Avoid the Downside” trailer and share an informative
presentation. Call (863) 802-0777 or visit the OTUS web site
to arrange a presentation or for additional information.