Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Alcohol Awareness Month in April: Understanding Why Teens Try Alcohol & Drugs


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, Alcohol is the most abused substance by children and adults in the United States. The AAP recommends that parents should begin talking to children as young as 9 years old about alcohol. Alcohol Awareness Month in April presents an opportunity for parents and influential adults to talk openly with their children about the dangers of alcohol misuse. Whether or not your child has tried alcohol or drinks regularly, knowing the truth can help kids avoid succumbing to peer pressure because they will feel more confident in making informed personal decisions after knowing and considering all the facts.

While there’s no single reason why teens turn to alcohol or drug use, the Partnership to End Addiction shares some core issues and influences behind the behavior of teen alcohol and drug use. As caring adults, it is our responsibility to understand the reasons and talk to kids about the dangers of drinking and using drugs.

Other People - Teens see lots of people consuming various substances. They see their parents and other adults drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and sometimes trying other substances. Teen social scenes often revolve around drinking. Sometimes it is at the urging of friends, but often teens try substances simply because they are readily available. They may mistakenly believe that alcohol and drug use is a part of the normal teenage experience.

Popular Media - 45% of teens agree with the statement: "The music that teens listen to makes drinking and smoking marijuana seem cool." And 45% of teens agree with the statement: "Movies and TV shows make drugs seem like an ok thing to do." Parents should be aware of the media that their son or daughter is consuming and talk to them about it.

Escape and Self-Medication - When teens are unhappy and can't find a healthy outlet for their frustration or a trusted confidant, they may turn to chemicals. Depending on what substance they're using, they may feel happier or more energized and confident. Teen years can take an emotional toll, sometimes even causing depression, so when teens are given a chance to take something to make them feel better, many can't resist. Some teens abuse prescription medication to manage stress or even use stimulants to provide energy and focus when studying or taking tests. Others abuse pain relievers and tranquilizers to cope with academic, social, or emotional stress. 

Boredom - Teens who can't tolerate being alone, have trouble keeping themselves occupied, or crave excitement are prime candidates for substance use. Not only do alcohol and marijuana give them something to do, but those substances may help fill an internal void they feel. They provide a common ground for interacting with like-minded teens, a way to instantly bond with a group of kids.

Rebellion - The reasons for teen drug use are as complex as teenagers themselves. Alcohol may be the drug of choice for the angry teenager because it fees him to behave aggressively. Methamphetamine (meth) also encourages aggressive, violent behavior - it is far more potent than alcohol. Marijuana often reduces aggression and is more of an avoidance drug. Some teens abuse prescription medicine to party and get high. LDA and hallucinogens are also escape drugs used by young people who feel misunderstood. Smoking cigarettes can be a form of rebellion to flaunt independence and make parents angry. 

Instant Gratification - Drugs and alcohol work quickly. The initial effects may feel really good. Teens turn to drug use because they see it as a shortcut to happiness.

Lack of Confidence - Many shy teenagers who lack confidence report that they'll do things under the influence of alcohol or drugs that they might not otherwise. This is part of the appeal of drugs and alcohol even for self-confident teens - it give them the courage to dance if they're an awkward dancer, or sing at the top of their lungs even if they have a terrible voice, or even kiss someone they are attracted to. Alcohol and other drugs tend to not only loosen inhibitions but to alleviate social anxiety. There's also the mentality that if you do anything or say anything stupid, everyone will just think you had too many drinks or smoked too much weed. 

Misinformation - The most avoidable cause of substance use is inaccurate information about drugs and alcohol. Nearly every teenager has friends who claim to be experts on various recreational substances and they almost always assure peers that the risks are minimal. This is why it is so important to educate your teens about drug use, so they get the real facts about the very real dangers of alcohol and drug use.

Most Polk Teens Do Not Drink! - A Bonus Fact to share with your children is that according to statistics collected among 6-12 grade students in Polk County annually, 83% DO NOT USE ALCOHOL (Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey, FYSAS). When teens realize that they are among the majority who do make healthy choices, they may feel empowered to avoid peer pressure and refrain from partaking in risky behaviors.

InnerAct Alliance and our coalition partners, StandUP Polk and UthMpact, work alongside national, state, and local authorities and prevention collaborators to educate youth and adults about the dangers of alcohol and substance use. Citizens can support local prevention efforts by inviting a representative from InnerAct Alliance to share a free education program with their school, PTA, community organization, or business. 

Other opportunities for involvement include volunteering at prevention events or making a tax-deductible donation to help educate more students in Polk County Schools about the harmful effects of alcohol and substance use. Visit our website at www.inneractalliance.org or call (863) 802-0777 for details.

The Partnership to End Addiction offers a free Alcohol Guide for Parents that helps to outline the risks of underage drinking, why alcohol appeals to young people, and what you can do to protect your child from its harm. Visit their website for information: https://drugfree.org/article/why-teens-drink-and-experiment-with-drugs/ 

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