Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Empower Kids to Think Positively!


Empower Kids to Think Positively!

As a parent, YOU are the biggest influence in your child's life as you help them develop into healthy adults. Kids model parents' behavior. If they see you bounce back from setbacks, they will learn to do the same.

Help kids to see a way around obstacles. If something doesn't go as planned, encourage brainstorming other ways to approach the problem or reach their goals. 

Let them know negative reactions are okay when appropriate. Having a positive attitude doesn't mean burying feelings - acknowledge them and move on.

Teach constructive reframing. If a child declares she's lousy at sports, suggest maybe she simply needs more practice and if excelling at sports is important to her, she'll eventually master the necessary skills.

Encourage positive self-talk. Words have power, so offer affirmations to repeat until they become second nature:

"I am worthy of good things."

"I can achieve anything I set my mind to."

"There's a way around this challenge."

"Things will work out in the long run."

A positive frame of mind can lead to making better decisions. Positivity also makes it easier to achieve goals - you learn to look ahead and plot a course instead of just reacting to a setback. Of course this doesn't mean children will never feel sad, frustrated, or discouraged, but it can help keep them from feeling hopeless when they encounter the challenges life throws at them.

Thanks to our prevention partners at Informed Families for sharing great idea on how to foster a positive attitude in children and suggesting fun Family Table time activities suitable for school-aged families to help promote lifelong healthy habits. Visit: www.InformedFamilies.org 

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