Thursday, March 17, 2022

Social & Economic Cost of Eating Disorders in Florida

There has been an alarming surge in cases of eating disorders among children and teens in Florida. One person dies every 52 minutes from an eating disorder!

Some real facts relating to the dangers of eating disorders include:
* Hair loss
* Tooth loss
* Abuse of laxatives may result in intestinal damage
* Excessive vomiting may lead to ruptured esophagus issues or cancer
* Damages every organ system in the body
* Linked to heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure
* Multiple mental illnesses and High suicide rates
* Hip breakage may occur from osteoporosis
* Fertility problems are linked to eating disorders

Thanks to our prevention partners at Polk Eating Disorders Awareness for sharing this recent study from Harvard University which highlights the impact of eating disorders in Florida. 

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