Monday, September 5, 2022

Have a Safe & Happy Labor Day Weekend!


Many will hit the open road for the last weekend of summer - perhaps heading to a water park, the beach, or the great outdoors. Thanks to our friends at The American Red Cross, here are some great safety tips to enjoy your holiday weekend:

Driving Safety

Be well rested and alert, use seat belts, observe speed limits, and follow the rules of the road.

Don't drink and drive. Have a designated driver available.

Give full attention to the road. Avoid distractions such as cell phones.

Use caution driving in work zones and through highway construction.

Don't follow other vehicles too closely.

Swimming Safety

If swimming in the ocean, lake, or river, be aware that these environments are different than a pool. Be sure you have the right skill level. 

Swim only within designated swim areas. Obey instructions from life guards and ask about local conditions.

Make sure you swim sober and always swim with a buddy.

Protect your neck - do not dive headfirst.

If you are caught in a rip current, do not panic. Signal to those on shore that you need assistance. Swim parallel to share until you are out of the current. If you cannot swim to shore, float or tread water until you are free of the rip current.

Water Park Safety

Make sure lifeguards are on duty before you go in the water and follow instructions. 

Use sunscreen and reapply during the day. 

Wear protective clothing, including a hat and cover-up for when you've had enough sun. 

Parents - keep an eye on kids. If they cannot swim or are less than 4 feet tall, have them wear a life jacket.

Signal a lifeguard if you see someone is in trouble.

Set up a meeting spot in case someone gets separated from your group.

Use the buddy system to make sure no child is alone.

Outdoor Safety

Being prepared is critical when out in remote areas with limited access to phone service, hospitals, and emergency help.

Know the level of ability of the people in your group and the environment around you.

Dehydration is a danger, especially in high temperatures. Plan ahead and bring along extra water.

Share travel plans with a family member, neighbor, or friend.

Pack a First Aid Kit that includes insect repellent, sunscreen, personal medications.

Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend Safely!

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