Thursday, January 4, 2024

Celebrate the UPSIDE of Substance Abuse Prevention Education


Underage use of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances are challenges facing every community, but statistics show that prevention education and social norms messaging can help youth learn the facts and skills needed to help them act responsibly and make healthy choices.

InnerAct Alliance and our coalition partners StandUP Polk (adult) and UthMpact (youth) are proud to celebrate the positives in youth culture using statistics collected among Polk County youth in the annual Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (FYSAS).

"UthMpact Facts" share the reality that most Polk Teens are making the right choices by choosing NOT to drink, smoke, or use substances and the numbers have declined in Polk County since 2010.

In fact, 84% of Polk Teens DO NOT use Alcohol - 87% DO NOT use Marijuana - 96% DO NOT use Traditional Tobacco - 88% DO NOT Vape or use E-Cigarettes.

Knowing the truth can help kids avoid succumbing to peer pressure because they feel confident in making more informed personal decisions after knowing and considering all the facts. 

One of the major goals of substance abuse prevention programs is to delay the age of onset of substance use. As a licensed provider for prevention education in Polk, Highlands, and Hardee counties since 1985, InnerAct Alliance believes in empowering youth and encouraging adults to make smart choices, be stronger role models, and engage in healthy activities. Our team of prevention professionals provide substance abuse and anti-bullying education in nearly 70 schools, as well as tools for youth tobacco, anger management, and other risky behaviors.

IAA in the Schools

Too Good for Drugs (elementary & high school) - a character-building program promoting healthy development by teaching social/emotional skills to help set reachable goals, make healthy choices, communicate effectively, and resist peer pressure. Students are provided with tools to manage real-world challenges and understand addiction, resist social influences, avoid unhealthy risk-taking, and explore healthy alternatives.

Keep a Clear Mind (elementary) - a science-based prevention program encouraging parent-child interaction through take-home activities and incentives that teach essential skills such as setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, managing emotions, and communicating effectively.

Project ALERT (middle school) - a school-based prevention program that focuses on alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use and teaches ways to understand and resist social influences and avoid experimentation.

PAX Game Life Skills (elementary) - an environmental intervention program that creates a positive classroom environment conducive to learning to help reduce off-task behavior, increase attentiveness/decrease disruptive behavior, improve mental health, and reduce substance use outcomes. 

Youth Tobacco and Other Drugs (YTOD) and Anger Management - information-based education courses held virtually for youth aged 12-17 that focus on substance abuse prevention, good decision-making, and health issues related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use as well as valuable skills to help manage emotional and anger issues.

IAA in the Community:

Own the Upside Trailer (community groups serving parents/adults) - a one-of-a-kind interactive mobile exhibit offering parents and adults a tour through a simulated teen's bedroom to learn about current trends and interact with items on display that show how common objects may signal potential involvement in drugs and risky behaviors.

Humane Education (pre-K/elementary) - an impactful education program using high quality, age-appropriate literature, critical thinking techniques, and activities to reinforce healthy ways to interact with peers and promote animal welfare. Live or stuffed animals may be used in the presentation to enhance learning outcome.

Mindful Journaling for Teens - this free program provided in partnership with Polk County Library Cooperative and Davenport Historical Society offers youth ages 12-17 an opportunity to learn about the benefits of journaling and how it can be used as a positive tool for expression, easing stress, and sparking self-discovery. Handcrafted journals and materials to create friendship bracelets are provided free of charge to attendees.

Social Norms Messaging - our outreach team of UthMpact teen leaders and IAA staff are committed to promoting the positives in Polk youth culture by sharing "UthMpact Facts" showing the majority of teens are making the right choices not to drink, smoke, or use other substances.

Community Events - come say hello to IAA's outreach team who will participate in community events such as the Tanglewood Health Fair for Seniors in Sebring (Jan. 10), MLK Leadership Forum (Jan. 12), and Florida Children's Museum's Day of Caring at Bonnet Springs Park to honor Dr. King's legacy (Jan. 13).

YOU Can Support the Prevention Initiative! - please consider inviting a representative from InnerAct Alliance to share a free education program with your school students or PTA, church group, community organization, or business lunch/learn by calling (863) 802-0777. Programs can be tailored for a specific group or audience age. For more information, please visit 

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