Thursday, June 20, 2024

Can Healing Thoughts Cure The Body?


Scientific studies suggest that our minds can play an important role in healing our bodies. It's interesting to explore how mental perception of the world can inform and guide the immune system and how the body responds. 

We know our minds and body are connected – when we aren’t feeling at our best mentally, many times doing some type of physical activity can help enhance our mood. Similarly, adjusting our outlook with positive thinking and a healthy mindset may help boost our physical health too.

Here are some helpful suggestions to practice using your mind to strengthen your body: 

Embrace optimism – having a more hopeful outlook can lighten life and even make challenges more bearable. Findings show optimistic people are less likely to get colds or infections so the body can function at its best.

Try meditation – meditation has many benefits including acting as a buffer against harmful effects of stress on the body. It can also help to slow down the rate of cellular aging to help you look and feel more youthful.

Laugh more – laughter may well be the best medicine as research shows laughing reduces stress hormones and increases release of positive hormones, helping to reduce artery inflammation and risk of heart disease!

Focus on goals & purpose – those who believe their life has meaning and purpose are likely to live longer and healthier lives compared to those who are always pessimistic. Make each day count!

Power up your imagination – imagining is the first step to believing. Studies find that people can see real changes if they train themselves mentally to focus on what they believe in and work toward it.

Write a gratitude journal – think about 3 things you feel grateful for & write them down each day. This exercise can help you realize what’s most important in your life and help you feel grateful.

Believe – the strength of a person’s will and thinking can help them tackle whatever comes their way. Train your mind to think from a positive perspective…it could lead to positive results in real life too!

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