Monday, September 16, 2024

IAA Joined Heartland for Children for Reunification Celebration


This weekend, InnerAct Alliance was happy to join Heartland for Children for their annual Reunification Celebration for families who have reunified over the past year. 🙌

Representatives from Heartland for Children, including CEO Kim Daugherty, Shawna Butler, Monique Beau-Myers, Tyiesha Genet Stewart, and others welcomed everyone to Peterson Park to honor the hard work, commitment, and dedication of the families, foster caregivers, and child welfare professionals. InnerAct Alliance's prevention specialists, Beverly and Charlie, provided an overview of the prevention programs and services provided by IAA and encouraged families to participate in the 2024 Red Ribbon Run community event next month on Saturday, October 26. It was heartwarming to see the smiling faces of the parents, children, and everyone who gathered to uplift and support families!👪

Heartland for Children is a community-based care lead agency providing comprehensive child welfare services that include protective services, foster care adoptions, independent living, prevention, family preservation, family support, and other related services.

In the words of former foster teen, Josh Shipp,
"Every child is one caring adult away from being a success story"

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