Tuesday, September 24, 2024

We All Have the Ability to Prevent Suicide


We all have a role to play in suicide prevention - part of that is to learn and share the warning signs of youth suicide, especially during Suicide Prevention Month in September.

If someone is showing any of the warning signs, encourage them to contact a trusted adult, school counselor, mental health professional, or reach out to the Suicide Prevention #988 Lifeline. Simply listening and providing support can make a significant difference in the life of a child, adolescent, or adult.

Take action if you notice any of the following signs in family or friends:

* talking about or making plans for suicide
* expressing hopelessness about the future
* displaying severe/overwhelming emotional pain or distress
* showing worrisome changes in behavior
* withdrawal from or changing social connections
* changes in sleep
* anger or hostility that seems out of character
* recent increased agitation or irritability

Evidence shows that providing support services, talking about  suicide, reducing access to means of self-harm, and following up with loved ones are just some of the actions we can all take to help others.

Reach out to call or text 988 or chat online. Learn more at https://988lifeline.org/learn/

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