Thursday, September 5, 2024

IAA’s Humane Education Program for Children


InnerAct Alliance's Humane Education Program visits schools and takes part in community events to present pre-school children and elementary-aged students with special lessons that incorporate quality age-appropriate literature, critical thinking techniques, and fun activities to reinforce healthy ways to interact with peers and promote animal welfare.

Our humane educator, Michelle B., leads instruction that teaches young children about the 3 words of friendship and how to always be kind - gentle - patient with animals and humans. Kids have opportunities to use problem-solving skills to assemble puzzles and trace letters spelling out kind - gentle - patient as a take home activity to practice and remember the friendship words.

A recent Kindness class at Bonnet Springs included a special lesson about Tucker the Turtle🐢where children learned how to act like Tucker when they feel upset by Stopping - Tucking - Taking Deep Breaths - and Coming Out to find a calm solution.

Sharing Smiling Faces of
Children Learning Friendship Skills

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