Friday, August 30, 2024

UthMpact Class XVI Etiquette Dinner with Leadership Lakeland Alumni


Students participating in the UthMpact Leadership Class XIV had an amazing opportunity to network with members of the Leadership Lakeland Alumni Association and enjoy a fine dining experience at Grasslands Golf & Country Club.

At the Annual Etiquette Dinner last evening, our teen leaders learned the importance of proper dining etiquette in a formal setting and discussed informative topics with members of the business community such as "what do you look for when hiring a young person?" and "what would you change about your life if you had an opportunity to do so?"

Our thanks and appreciation to the Leadership Lakeland Alumni Association and to Grasslands for graciously hosting our group and providing wonderful service. Kudos to InnerAct Alliance's Michelle Bachmeier for presenting last evening!

International Overdose Awareness Day Tomorrow August 31


International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), held on August 31 each year, is the world's largest annual global campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind. The awareness day calls citizens to action and discussion about evidence-based overdose prevention and drug policy.

The theme for 2024 is "Together we can" to highlight the power of communities when we all stand together to save lives and end overdose. Criminalizing drug use has not worked - policy and legislation must exist to protect individuals and communities and ensure basic human rights and needs are met. Everyone has a right to respectful and comprehensive health care. Let's encourage support and recovery for everyone who is impacted by substance use and overdose.

Wear purple on August 31 to raise awareness of the global overdose crisis and pay tribute to those who have lost their lives. Learn about prevention strategies, and most importantly, talk to your kids early and often about the facts and dangers of alcohol and other drug use - it can keep them safe and may save their lives!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Power Ranger Empowers UthMpact's Project Prom-Project Homecoming Effort



Earlier this year, actress and martial arts champion Charlie Kersh, who plays Minh Kwan - the Yellow Power Ranger - in the 55-minute special, "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Once & Always," dropped off an extremely generous donation of over 20 lightly used or never worn gowns to our office for UthMpact's Project Prom-Project Homecoming effort.

Thanks again, Charlie, and best of luck to you! 

Know the Signs of Opioid Overdose


It can be hard to tell whether someone is high or may be experiencing an opioid overdose - knowing some signs to look for and what to do can literally save a life! The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers the following helpful information:  

Signs of Overdose
* unconsciousness or inability to awaken
* small, constricted "pinpoint pupils" that don't react to light
* slow or shallow breathing or difficulty breathing
* choking sounds or gurgling/snoring noise from a person who cannot be awakened
* discolored skin - especially nails or lips

Take Action
* call 911 immediately
* administer naloxone, if available
* try to keep the person awake and breathing
* lay the person on their side to prevent choking
* stay with the person until emergency assistance arrives

If you aren't sure, treat it like an overdose. Learn more:

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Depressive Disorder


Depression is a disorder of the brain that's more than just "feeling blue" for a few days. It is a serious mood disorder that can affect how a person feels, thinks, and functions in their daily life. Depressive episodes can cause severe symptoms that last most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks.

Symptoms may vary from person to person and may include any of the following:

* continued feelings of sadness, pessimism, emptiness, hopelessness
* fatigue, lack of energy
* insomnia/other sleep issues like sleeping too much
* anxiety, irritability, restlessness
* feeling worthless or guilty
* lack of interest or joy in hobbies/activities
* changes in appetite leading to weight loss/gain
* moving, talking, or thinking slowly or feeling fidgety
* forgetfulness
* trouble concentrating, thinking clearly, making decisions
* thoughts of not wanting to live, death, suicide
* self-harm behaviors

Treatment & Help - in addition to clinical treatments, there are healthy lifestyle habits that can help you feel better:

* focus on self-care
* set small, achievable goals
* know the warning signs
* educate family and friends
* seek support
* stick to your treatment plan

Help raise awareness about depression, learn the different types of depression, signs and symptoms, treatment options, and how to find help.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Be Like the Optimistic Octopus


Life can be a rollercoaster 🎒and some days it may feel like we're just "getting by." Taking time for self-discovery is a good way to assess what is going right and what is not and what it may take to set yourself on a path to living a beautiful life.

Embrace positivity, like the optimistic octopusπŸ™in the graphic above from @Positively Present, and ponder some of the following thought points:

* Who Am I? - figuring out who you are is a good first step to find out who you were, who you are now, and who you want to be in the future. Keeping a journal of your thoughts can reveal what you desire most.πŸ’‘

* Count Your Blessings - we have one life to live so it's important not to take it for granted. Many times, we focus on what we don't have - but realizing what we do have can make us more appreciative for the gift of life each day. Practice gratitude by looking for simple things that bring you joy - usually things money cannot buy.☝

* Take Stock - think about what is not working in your life. Being happy at your workplace is important to help you live a beautiful life. if you're not in a job or career that is fulfilling, take steps to find what you will enjoy doing each day. Consider taking a class or update your resume to better yourself as well.✅

* Be Kind to Yourself - often we do things for others but it's also important to take time to "do" for yourself to validate that you are worth it. Take a break from your usual "to do list" to enjoy a coffee treat, buy flowers or a new houseplant - anything that will make you smile!😊

* Relate to Your Relationships - look at the people in your social circle. If there are toxic relationships that bring stress or negativity, try to weed them out of your daily life. Surround yourself with good people who make you feel supported and positive.πŸ‘«

* Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - life's everyday hiccups can drive you crazy. Take a minute, breathe deeply, and realize this will soon pass. Learning to skip over life's bumps in the road is essential to living a beautiful life.πŸŒ„

Everyone's idea of a beautiful life is different - it's about adjusting your perspective. Celebrate your progress and look for a positive even in those not-so-great days. Finding hopefulness and gratefulness in each day can be the first step to a beautiful life journey!🌈

Monday, August 26, 2024

Celebrate National Dog Day - August 26th


National Dog Day is celebrated annually on August 26th. Today also marks 20 years since National Dog Day's founding in 2004 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert, Colleen Paige. Its mission is to help encourage recognition of the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year and acknowledge the beloved family dogs and dogs who work selflessly each day to save lives, keep us safe, and bring comfort.

It is estimated that 85 million Americans own at least one pooch, according to the National Pet Owners Survey (2019-2020). Dogs are good for our health - the American Heart Association reports that dogs can help a person healing from a cardiac event. Dogs can also improve mood and help ease anxiety. Studies show that even small interactions with dogs release oxytocin, the magical hormone that fights pain and relieves stress. Aren't we blessed to have these special creatures who enrich our lives each day with their unconditional love? πŸ’•

In honor of National Dog Day, enjoy a special walk with your family pet, take time for a good belly rub, and please give him/her a special treat from all of the animal-lovers here at InnerAct Alliance! 🐢🐾 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Internet Self Care Tips


In this age of rapidly growing technology and social media, it's easy to get wrapped up in the world wide web. Social media can be a platform for self-expression, but it can also create confusion and toxicity which can increase stress levels, bring down mood, and damage mental health. 

Following up on yesterday's post on positive fact-checking, it's also important to recognize signs of "information overload" or being influenced by too much negative information. Internet Self-Care Day, celebrated this week on August 21, offers an opportunity to think about our online behavior and make proactive changes to improve overall well-being.

Take a step back and try one or more of the following tips that you think may help you most:

* find a supportive community
* follow your curiosity and take a class
* take advantage of self-care tools and apps
* unfollow accounts that don't make you feel good
* listen to podcasts or watch videos that interest you
* take virtual tours of places you might like to visit
* give yourself a time limit...then log off!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Focus on Positive Fact-Checking


These days, we are constantly being bombarded by news and information online, in the real world, and within our own lives - for this reason, it is even more important to be sure we are receiving accurate information.✅

Media literacy and digital literacy are valuable skills in our always-connected world. It is always a good idea to verify the information we receive with one or two more reputable sources. Make sure it is legitimate and consider that it could be possibly be altered - very possible with AI being more prevalent.

Thanks to our friends @Positively Present for this helpful graphic reminding us to be sure to check the facts. By taking these fact-checking questions into consideration, it can help us separate what is real and what is manufactured - this includes examining and evaluating our own thoughts as well.πŸ’‘

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Today August 21 is National Fentanyl Prevention & Awareness Day


Today is National Fentanyl
Prevention & Awareness Day

Today, August 21, is National Fentanyl Prevention and Awareness Day. Take this opportunity to educate yourself and those you love about Fentanyl - an extremely dangerous drug, especially since users never really know how much of the drug they are ingesting. The reality of Fentanyl is that ONE PILL CAN KILL. πŸ’Š⚠ πŸ•±

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. Just 2 milligrams of fentanyl (approx. 5-7 grains of table salt) is considered a lethal dose. Widely available and highly addictive, fentanyl comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and forms including powder and pills. It can be found anywhere - online and even here in our community. 

Drug traffickers make large amounts of deadly fentanyl to sell as a standalone substance and mix with other dangerous street drugs to increase supply, create new users, and encourage repeat business. Illegally-manufactured fentanyl can be found in heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, as well as in counterfeit pills.

In a statement today on social media, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd had this to say about the level of danger associated with fentanyl:

"Fentanyl is a serious threat to Americans today - it is fueled by a southern border crisis that allows this dangerous drug to be smuggled into the United States by powerful and evil drug cartels. We, as a nation, must do more to responsibly control our borders. Fentanyl drug traffickers are destroying lives and families. These drugs go hand-in-hand with violence and misery. We have worked with local, state, and national law enforcement partners to reduce the amount of poison reaching our streets in order to save lives. We are making progress, but there is more to do." - Grady Judd, Sheriff

Sheriff Judd went on to announce, "Just our operations since January of 2023 - and our seizures since that time - was enough fentanyl to overdose and kill every man, woman, and child in the state of Florida. That's how dangerous this drug is."  

We want you safe! InnerAct Alliance urges everyone to visit the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) website to read about their One Pill Can Kill educational campaign and Operation Prevention to access free resources to help fight this serious addiction. If someone you know is experiencing an overdose, CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Mental Health & Substance Use As Co-Occurring Disorders


Mental health problems and substance use disorders sometimes occur together. Statistics show that more than 1-in-4 adults living with serious mental health problems also have a substance use problem.πŸ·πŸ’Š

Substance use problems may occur more frequently with certain mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and personality disorder. 

Symptoms of Substance Use Disorder may include behavior changes, physical changes, and/or social changes such as:

Behavior Changes
* drop in attendance or performance at work/school
* frequently getting into trouble (fights, accidents)
* engaging in secretive or suspicious behaviors
* changes in appetite or sleep patterns
* sudden mood swings, irritability, angry outbursts
* periods of unusual hyperactivity, agitation, giddiness
* lack of motivation
* fearfulness, anxiousness, paranoia with no reason

Physical Changes
* bloodshot eyes, abnormal sized pupils
* sudden weight loss or gain
* deterioration of physical appearance
* unusual smells on breath, body, clothing
* tremors, slurred speech, or impaired coordination

Social Changes
* sudden change in friends, hangouts, hobbies
* legal problems related to substance use
* unexplained need for money or financial problems
* using substances even if it causes relationship issues

Someone with a mental health problem and substance use disorder must treat both issues to be effective. Treatment for both may include rehabilitation, medications, support groups, and talk therapy. 

To learn more about mental health and substance use co-occurring disorders, visit:

Monday, August 19, 2024

What is Harm Reduction?


Harm reduction can be described as any action taken that reduces risk and increases personal and public safety. The graphic above identifies some of the most common harm reduction methods in an attempt to normalize the term "harm reduction" and broaden the definition.

Most of us practice harm reduction techniques daily that help us prevent injury, disease, or other harm. We may not even be aware we're doing it - for example, we wash our hands to prevent the spread of diseases like the common cold or the flu. When we wear a seatbelt in a vehicle or apply sunscreen, these are also harm reduction strategies that help keep us safe. 

When it comes to harm reduction around alcohol and other substances, it is about being pro-active to help reduce or lower risk. Harm reduction is not limited to abstinence - it is best to meet people where they are and support safer practices that can improve overall quality of life. For example, arranging for a designated driver is a responsible step that helps make the roads safer and lowers risks of a fatal alcohol-involved accident. It can also involve medications to reduce cravings for substances or carrying Naloxone (Narcan) to reverse an overdose.

Harm reduction matters to families because it offers care and compassion while supporting loved ones in making positive changes to help them be safer and healthier. 

The prevention experts at the Partnership to End Addiction provide an informative Harm Reduction Resource Center with tools, tips, and resources to help us learn how to increase safety, reduce risk, and support harm reduction in our families and in our community. Please visit:  

Friday, August 16, 2024

Transition Times Can Be Stressful – Help is Available


A new school year is exciting 🍎 but it can also create feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed. It isn't just about having the right supplies, it's also about mental and behavioral health.

If you, a family member, or friend needs help, confidential support is available - you don't have to go through it alone. 

Our prevention partners at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) can help with resources to support well-being...please share with others:

News Alert: PCSO Arrests 3 for Operating Illegal Mobile Marijuana Dispensary: Cannibus


Polk County Sheriff's Office held a press conference today, Friday, August 16, to brief the media on an unusual arrest of three suspects operating a mobile marijuana dispensary. 

Here is the PCSO media release detailing the arrest: 

On August 14, 2024, Polk County Sheriff's deputies in our Northeast district responded to the parking lot of a shopping center off Hwy 192 in the Clermont area of unincorporated Polk County, after receiving a report from a concerned citizen that a bus selling marijuana illegally was operating in the area.

Upon arrival, deputies encountered an Eldorado Bus that was decorated with multiple marijuana leaves  named "Cannibus Mobile Dispensary" (CMD). The exterior of the bus advertised that "No Medical Card (was) Required" to purchase marijuana within. Inside the bus was a sign stating "No Medical Card? No Problem! Use Ours! For $5." Use of another individual's medical marijuana card to purchase marijuana is illegal in Florida.

Detectives located online advertisements of the "Cannabus" which called their operation "FL's 1st Recreational Dispensary." Medical marijuana is legal in the State of Florida, but the recreational use of marijuana is illegal. FSS381.986 requires that individuals obtain a physician's recommendation, then register with the state to obtain a medical card before one is allowed to legally purchase the product from state-licensed dispensaries.

Jimmy Andrial has a personal use medical marijuana card. Jimmy and Bianca told detectives they purchased the marijuana from a licensed supplier unpackaged with Jimmy's card, then purchased their own packaging material and packaged the marijuana for sale themselves. They do not have a state-issued license to sell marijuana. They refused to tell detectives where they purchased the marijuana and the packaging materials.

During a search of the bus, detectives found multiple containers of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, a digital scale with cocaine residue, vape cartridges, and packaging materials. Deputies located a multicolor package containing green leafy substance with a warning label that stated: "Government Warning: This Product Contains Cannabis, A Schedule 1 Controlled Substance." The substance tested positive for marijuana. A total of 12 packages of marijuana were located. Each package is labeled 3.5 grams, making the total amount located well over the 20 gram threshold to be a felony. 

Daniel McCreary, Jimmy Andrial, and Bianca Andrial were all arrested. While being arrested, McCreary became physical and resisted arrest. Jimmy Andrial threatened the detectives during his arrest and stated that he had been to prison four times, and has battered Law Enforcement Officers in the past.

"I thank the concerned citizens who brought the 'Cannabus" to our attention. Our detectives easily discovered that this was not a legitimate medical cannabis dispensary and these drug-pushers were out-right selling marijuana to anyone who wanted to buy it. We arrested three suspects who all have prior criminal histories. Something tells me these folks might have been over sampling their own products." - Grady Judd, Sheriff

Thank you Sheriff Judd and PCSO deputies 
for keeping our community safe! πŸš”πŸš¨

Link to release

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Suicide Warning Signs for Youth


Suicidal thoughts, like mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or background. It is especially dangerous among youth - suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-14 and the 3rd leading cause of death among those ages 15-24 in the U.S.

You can play an important role in the prevention effort by familiarizing yourself with the warning signs, taking them seriously, and knowing how to respond to them. 

Warning signs of suicide include:

* Talking about suicide
* Seeking access to guns, pills, etc.
* Having a preoccupation with death
* Sudden mood swings or personality changes
* Hopelessness
* Self-loathing or hatred
* Neglecting appearance
* Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
* Saying goodbye
* Withdrawal
* Self-destructive behavior

Understanding the issues concerning suicide and mental health is an important way to take part in suicide prevention, help others in crisis, and change the conversation around suicide. 

If you or someone you know exhibits any of these signs, seek help by reading out to the FREE 988 Suicide and Crisis LIFELINE which provides 24-hour confidential support to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Support is also available via live chat.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What Do Teens Find Appealing About Vaping?


Why is Vaping appealing to Teens? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teens say they vape for many reasons. Curiosity is one - peer pressure is another. 

In a national survey of middle and high school student who reported using e-cigarettes, 58% said they began vaping because friends or family members used them and they were enticed by the appealing flavors. Many liked the fact that vapes are discreet, easy to hide, and generally seen as cool and relatively harmless.

Vapes come in thousands of fruit and candy flavors that not only appeal to teens but also help cover the harsh taste of the chemicals and override a sense that these products may be harmful. Some young people are drawn to the "vape tricks" and "cloud competitions" where they form cloud-like shapes or patterns when exhaling vape aerosol. These tricks are usually performed with modifiable devices or "mod" style vapes. Users breathe the aerosol deep into their lungs then exhale it through their ears, eyes, or nose - this may produce a brief positive sensation or "head rush" that some kids like.

Vaping is made to look appealing by companies who engage strategic marketing tactics that include using social media influencers and exciting advertisements to entice young people. For example, JUUL was a widely popular device among those who vaped because they directly targeted social media for advertisements - going straight to the source where kids spend their time and receive information. JUUL employed similar tactics as old cigarette ads by glamorizing vaping through celebrity endorsements and fun ad campaigns highlighting appealing fruit and sweet flavored vapes. JUUL has decreased in popularity as most of its flavored vapes have been banned, but other illegal disposable flavored vapes have taken JUUL's place in popularity among youth.

Many vapes also contain high doses of nicotine - the main addictive substance in all tobacco products that can make those who vape become dependent. What may start as social experimentation can quickly become an addiction. This is because with repeated use, the brain gets used to having nicotine - which is especially harmful to young people as the adolescent brain is still developing until about age 25.🧠

In addition to harming brain development, nicotine exposure is also known to impact learning, memory, and attention...and increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.

Before they even think about vaping, help youth learn the facts and potential risks - knowledge is power! πŸ’ͺ

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Save the Date: 2024 Red Ribbon Run – Saturday, October 26


Make plans for your family to attend the 2024 Red Ribbon Run, presented by Title Sponsor Publix Supermarkets, on Saturday, October 26 with FREE Registration for the Kids Fun Run for K-8 Students, along with a Family Fun Run for parents to run or walk with their children ($5 fee). Healthy snacks, fitness activities, and festive entertainment will be available in the Florida Dairy Farmers World Tour vendor area at beautiful Lake Mirror in Lakeland. Weekly Challenges begin online on Sept. 30!

Awesome Business Sponsorship Opportunities Available!

The Red Ribbon Run presents a great opportunity for local businesses to support prevention of

substance abuse, sponsor a race heat, or promote products & services by sponsoring a booth.

Contact Angie Ellison at (863) 802-0777 for details!

Share your Talents & create International Displays!

Individuals and groups are invited to showcase their unique talents in
music, dance, and performance as part of the Florida Dairy Farmers World Tour
celebration of culture and traditions during the Red Ribbon Run festivities.

Call the IAA office to sign up today!

Red Ribbon Run registration & details available soon!

Event Website

Marijuana Legislation and Pet Safety


As marijuana policies continue to change across the U.S., it is important to heed warnings about keeping medication and all forms of cannabis out of the reach of children, however, it is just as critical to consider the impact on our family pets. 🐢🐱

Marijuana or cannabis refers to the dried parts of the Cannabis sativa plant, which contains the cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is known to produce psychoactive effects. In the past, cannabis has been used as an herbal medicine as well as for products such as rope, textiles, and paper. Today, cannabis is primarily used for medicinal or recreational purposes - often smoked, inhaled via vaping, or ingested through food and drink such as cookies, brownies, soft drinks, and candy - many do not have warning labels. ⚠

Increased accessibility to marijuana has led to increases in accidental exposure for children and family pets. According to a new study published in April 2024 in the Journal of the American Veterinarian Medical Association, there is a growing concern of marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) toxicity in dogs who may become intoxicated by inhaling second-hand smoke, eating edibles, or ingesting cannabis in any form. Dogs have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains, which means effects can potentially be more toxic for them than for humans. This is why there is increased importance for marijuana policies that also protect our animals.

Key findings of this study showed that the most common route of THC exposure in dogs was via ingestion from sources such as edibles, plant material, and medical products. Current veterinary testing for THC toxicity uses human urine multidrug testing (HUMT), which is costly, often unreliable, and takes time to receive results. Owner denial is also a common issue as many dog owners are unwilling to admit to the possibility of marijuana exposure. The number of cases is expected to rise as legalized marijuana and its products become more readily available. 

It is more important than ever to educate pet owners on the risks and signs of marijuana exposure and take steps to ensure that veterinarians are equipped with the proper tools and resources to diagnose marijuana toxicity.

Read Study Results

Monday, August 12, 2024

Happy 1st Day of School!


InnerAct Alliance wishes all Polk County students, families, teachers, administrators, and bus drivers, a great first day of the 2024-2025 School Year!🏫

Drivers, watch for students walking to and from the bus stop 🚌 and around school zones.🚸 Please allow extra time so you're not rushed while driving. Let's keep an eye out for our students and make sure they are safe and protected! 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Back-to-School Checklist from Sheriff Grady Judd & Polk Sheriff’s Office


Back-to-School Basics from Sheriff Grady Judd & the Polk Sheriff's Office: "This one's so important, we made y'all a worksheet and we filled it out for you. Talk to your children about what items are/are not permitted on school campuses. Let's have a safe school year together!"

School Supply Checklist for Success


It's almost time to head back to the classroom 
but before sending your students off with their new backpacks, notebooks, and lunchboxes on Monday morning, take time this weekend to review another important School Supply Checklist ✔ to guide your family to a safe, healthy, happy new school year! 🏫

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fentapills – Real Talk About Fake Prescription Pills


Have you heard the word "Fentapill"? It's the catch-name for millions of fake prescription pills that have flooded the market since 2014.

Drug dealers are in it for the money. As long as there's a demand for Xanax, Oxycodone, Percocet, and the like, they will find the easiest, most profitable way to supply the drugs. Drug trafficking organizations have been pressing fake pills using fentanyl as the active ingredients since 2014. Why? Because it's cheap and strong, it goes a long way. Fentapills cost almost nothing to make so every dollar the dealers take in goes right in their pockets. That's nearly 100% profit.πŸ€‘

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 50x stronger than heroin and 100x stronger than morphine. It works by binding to the body's opioid receptors in the areas of the brain that control pain and emotions. Its effects include extreme happiness, drowsiness, nausea, confusion, sedation, addiction, respiratory depression, unconsciousness, coma, and death.

Fentanyl is a major contributor to fatal and nonfatal overdoses in the U.S. Pill pressers are not pharmacists and they do not have quality control labs. They make their pill batches in the garage. That means some percentage of what they sell are loaded with deadly doses of fentanyl. 

What percentage? There's the catch - no one really knows. Authorities estimate there could be 300-500 million fentapills in circulation at any time. A small fraction of that number is enough to kill thousands of people. 

Bottom line - do not buy or take random pills! Assume that any prescription pill you buy outside of proper channels is FAKE and, more importantly, may be DEADLY. πŸ•±