Thursday, August 1, 2024

Happy August and National Wellness Month!


August is National Wellness Month - a perfect time to focus on taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Research suggests that self-care promotes positive health outcomes, such as fostering resilience, living longer, and becoming better equipped to manage stress. Even small acts of self-care added to our daily lives can play a big role in taking good care of our minds, bodies, and souls. It helps to reinforce the belief that our needs are valid and should be a priority.

To encourage the practice of regular self-care, InnerAct Alliance is happy to share these cute and creative monthly inspiration graphics from our friends at Positively Present reminding us of simple ways to incorporate proactive self-care in our lives each day. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

During August, we encourage you out your flame, entertain new ideas, notice what's working, and learn something new this month! 

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