Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Be Like the Optimistic Octopus


Life can be a rollercoaster 🎢and some days it may feel like we're just "getting by." Taking time for self-discovery is a good way to assess what is going right and what is not and what it may take to set yourself on a path to living a beautiful life.

Embrace positivity, like the optimistic octopus🐙in the graphic above from @Positively Present, and ponder some of the following thought points:

* Who Am I? - figuring out who you are is a good first step to find out who you were, who you are now, and who you want to be in the future. Keeping a journal of your thoughts can reveal what you desire most.💡

* Count Your Blessings - we have one life to live so it's important not to take it for granted. Many times, we focus on what we don't have - but realizing what we do have can make us more appreciative for the gift of life each day. Practice gratitude by looking for simple things that bring you joy - usually things money cannot buy.☝

* Take Stock - think about what is not working in your life. Being happy at your workplace is important to help you live a beautiful life. if you're not in a job or career that is fulfilling, take steps to find what you will enjoy doing each day. Consider taking a class or update your resume to better yourself as well.✅

* Be Kind to Yourself - often we do things for others but it's also important to take time to "do" for yourself to validate that you are worth it. Take a break from your usual "to do list" to enjoy a coffee treat, buy flowers or a new houseplant - anything that will make you smile!😊

* Relate to Your Relationships - look at the people in your social circle. If there are toxic relationships that bring stress or negativity, try to weed them out of your daily life. Surround yourself with good people who make you feel supported and positive.👫

* Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - life's everyday hiccups can drive you crazy. Take a minute, breathe deeply, and realize this will soon pass. Learning to skip over life's bumps in the road is essential to living a beautiful life.🌄

Everyone's idea of a beautiful life is different - it's about adjusting your perspective. Celebrate your progress and look for a positive even in those not-so-great days. Finding hopefulness and gratefulness in each day can be the first step to a beautiful life journey!🌈

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