Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Clear the Air with Facts About Vaping


Many young people may be under a false impression that vaping is less risky than smoking because vape products do not produce smoke, but vaping is not a healthy alternative to cigarettes. Before exposing your mind and body to any vaping product, take the time to educate yourself about vaping to understand the health risks.

There  is a lot of misinformation out there so let’s clear the air by unpacking some Myths vs. Facts about Vaping:

MYTH – Vaping is a healthy alternative to cigarettes.

FACT – Almost all vape liquid contains nicotine, which is addictive and harmful to brain development. Vaping aerosols contain chemicals linked to serious lung disease and health problems that may cause wheezing, coughing, sinus infections, nosebleeds, shortness of breath, and asthma.

MYTH – Vaping has nothing to do with smoking regular cigarettes.

FACT – Some adults may use vaping to quit nicotine addiction. Youth often start with vaping and become addicted. Those who vape are 4x more likely to smoke traditional cigarettes a year later, according to studies by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

MYTH – It’s just harmless water vapor.

FACT – It’s not harmless, and it’s not just water vapor. It may contain toxins, potentially cancerous agents, and dangerous chemicals known to cause a potentially fatal lung disease called popcorn lung. Vaping is especially dangerous for youth because nicotine can harm the developing brain, create memory problems, and increase depression. Chemicals in vape can damage lungs, heart, and immune system even if nicotine is not present.

MYTH – Vapes don’t contain nicotine.

FACT – A 2015 study found that 99% of e-cigarettes sold in convenience stores and similar outlets contained nicotine, the same highly addictive substance found in regular cigarettes. JUULs contain nicotine and most pods contain an amount of nicotine equal to a whole pack of cigarettes. Even experimental use of products containing nicotine can lead to addiction.

MYTH – It’s hard for youth to get vape products since the legal age to buy tobacco has been raised to age 21.

FACT – Despite laws raising the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products from 18 to 21, many young people borrow vape products from someone else or pay someone of legal age to purchase products for them. Not all retailers strictly enforce age restrictions. 

MYTH – Parents can tell if their child is vaping.

FACT – Unlike cigarettes that have a distinct shape and smell, e-cigarettes are harder to detect. Vaping products may look like everyday objects like USB drives, pens, and markers. Kids prefer sweet-flavored vapes, so fruit or candylike smells could be evidence of vaping. Other signs of vaping: drinking more liquids for dry mouth, nosebleeds, unexplained cough or throat clearing, mouth sores, and increased irritability or mood swings.

IGNORE THE HYPE - BELIEVE THE TRUTH - Don’t start vaping because you think everyone else is doing it - UthMpact Facts show that 88% of Polk Students DO NOT vape or use e-cigs. Choose to be among the smart majority who are making healthy choices!

Vaping Prevention & Education
Vaping 101: Vaping Facts

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