Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Device Down Time During Dinner


This past weekend, we showered our wonderful Moms with cards, flowers, and delicious meals to show appreciation for the special women who unconditionally love and support us. Several Moms I have spoken with mentioned that what they cherished most about this special time was how their families took the day to celebrate together with minimal cell phone and technology use - just enjoying each other's company! Wouldn't it be great to enjoy family-focused time like this more often? 

There are many benefits to having dinnertime be device-free.📵Studies show that putting down devices during dinner can help us connect better with our families. When everyone is focused on their phones, it is easy to miss out on the conversation and bonding experiences that are so important for families. Taking an hour or so during dinner to share about the day, relax, and enjoy each other’s presence can have many benefits for your family!

*Increased communication – when not distracted by a phone, you’re more likely to talk to and really listen to what each other has to say. This can go a long way to strengthen relationships and help build trust.

*Improved family bonding – spending time together without distractions can help to create a  sense of closeness and belonging. This is especially important for children who need to feel connected to their families.

*Reduced stress – when not constantly checking your phone, you can relax and enjoy your meal without feeling anxious or stressed. This can help to improve digestion and overall wellbeing.

*Better sleep – the light from electronic devices can interfere with sleep. By unplugging from devices at dinnertime, your body and brain have a chance to wind down, enjoy a meal, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

So, next time you're sitting down to dinner with your family, suggest an hour to unplug and really enjoy your meal together. You and your family will be glad you did!👪

source: Informed Families - The Florida Family Partnership

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