Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Kids & Puppies – a Winning Combination in Humane Education!



InnerAct Alliance is proud to offer prevention education programs that promote empathy and critical thinking skills to help youth succeed in all aspects of their lives. One of the most popular is our Humane Education program, which incorporates quality, age-appropriate literature and fun activities to teach young children healthy ways to interact with peers and promote animal welfare.🐾Humane education has been proven to reduce violence and bullying through the use of live or stuffed animals to promote responsible decision-making.   

Recently, IAA’s humane educator, Michelle B., held a special program at Bonnet Springs in which she read a storybook and talked with students about ways to treat peers and animals with kindness. Highlighting the day was a special visit by our assistant executive director, Sam, with adorable little puppies who just added to the fun for everyone involved! 🧒🐶

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