Thursday, May 9, 2024

Correlation Between Drug Use & High School Dropout Rates



High school can be difficult - it can be academically challenging, highly stressful as college preparation ramps up, and often includes a lot of social pressure to act or do as the "in crowd" does. All in all, there is a lot on high school students' shoulders during this period. Unfortunately, this can lead to dropping out and other troubling behaviors.

In these infographics, provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Education, and compiled by, it is clear to see the statistics outlining the correlation between different forms of substance abuse and the high school dropout rate across the nation. 

Students will leave high school without finishing for a number of reasons - many of these overlap with the reasons that teens experiment with drugs. Feeling like they don't belong, feeling depressed - each of these can push a student over the edge. Lessons to be learned from this analysis - an environment of drug use is not ideal for high school students. 

Connect with Your Kids - Positive communication between parents and children, including discussing feelings, experiences, and beliefs, is important for healthy relationships. It can help them learn how to face challenges and enable them to do better in school and in life. Let your kids know you are there for them no matter what.

Most of all, let's continue to inspire the positives and stay informed💪- despite the statistics, most kids ARE doing the right thing. As we prepare for graduation celebrations these coming weeks,🎓support children, encourage success, and congratulate them on their accomplishments so they will be more likely to do their best in school and make healthy choices to not use drugs - now and for their very bright future!

For more information
American Addiction Centers

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