Saturday, May 18, 2024

Connection Between Substance Abuse & Mental Health


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41% of youth ages 10-19 who died from a drug overdose during 2019-2021 had a documented mental health condition. Mental health issues and substance use frequently go hand-in-hand - that's why it is important to understand their connection and support loved ones who are struggling.

Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a mental health problem often referred to as Substance Use Disorder (SUD). It can be caused by a combination of behavioral, biological, and environmental factors. Co-occurring disorders may affect each other and disrupt ability to function at work or school, maintain healthy relationships, or cope with stressful situations.

Those who suffer from mental health disorders are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol, which may only provide temporary relief and trigger further issues. Use of substances can actually worsen depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems - chronic use may cause irreversible changes to brain chemistry.🧠

Good news is that mental health orders and substance use disorders are treatable. Getting treatment can result in effective, long-term management of symptoms. 

For more information, download the Partnership to End Addiction's free Substance Use & Mental Health guide at

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