Friday, May 17, 2024

Mental Health Awareness – Pregnant & New Moms Need Care Too


In Wednesday’s post for Week 3 of Mental Health Awareness Month, we learned that while pregnancy and new parenthood are joyful, it can also be an exhausting, overwhelming, and emotionally complex time.

According to the Office of Women’s Health, about 1-in-8 women report symptoms of postpartum depression in the year after giving birth – it’s very common and women who are struggling should not hesitate to reach out for help. If you know someone who is pregnant or recently gave birth, check to see how they’re feeling and offer support.💖 

Watch this short video shared by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) suggesting ways for new moms to take care of themselves while they’re also learning to care for a new baby👶🍼:  

*Find a self-care routine that works for you
*Prioritize rest - nap when baby naps
*Take a relaxing bath or shower
*Listen to music
*Gentle exercise - try stretching or yoga
*Go outside for fresh air, sunshine, or a short walk
*Stay connected to family and friends
*Accept help with chores, meals, baby care

SAMHSA offers resources to support
mental health for all ages & stages of life

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