Monday, May 20, 2024

Help Youth Celebrate Safe & Substance Free


It’s a wonderful time to celebrate the achievements of our amazing youth – from prom to graduation, birthdays to end of school parties and start of summer break.🎓😎

Kids deserve to have fun and create memories, but it’s also important for them to be safe. As parents and caring adults, it is our responsibility to help our children celebrate safely and responsibly especially since they and many of their friends are underage.

Of all alcohol-related fatalities involving teens each year, approximately one-third take place during April, May, and June prom and graduation season. Research shows that youth who start drinking before the age of 15 are at much higher risk for developing alcohol use disorder (AUD) later in life than those who begin drinking at age 21.

InnerAct Alliance joins with our prevention partners at Informed Families and the National Family Partnership to help Florida’s kids grow up safe, healthy, and drug free. We are happy to share tips from the Safe Homes Smart Parties Guide to help parents guide teens in ways to celebrate responsibly and set firm guidelines for acceptable behaviors during this celebratory time of year.

Before you shop for party decorations or help them don a graduation gown, have a talk with your son or daughter about substance use. Take steps to ensure that no alcohol or drugs are available at teen parties held at your home and are actively discouraged at friends’ homes or community events they may be attending.

*Plan in advance – check party plans and know who the guests will be. Set definite limits to help prevent an “open party” situation.

*Agree to rules ahead of time – some suggested rules might be: no drugs including alcohol and tobacco🚭– no leaving or returning to the party – no gate crashers.

*Know your responsibilities – the responsible adults at a teen party must be visible and aware. It is illegal to serve or provide drugs including beer, wine, wine coolers, etc. to anyone under age 21.

*Supervision is key to keeping a party safe – if guests arrive acting like they are under the influence, notify their parents immediately. Anyone who leaves the party should not be allowed to return – this discourages leaving with intent to drink or use drugs elsewhere then returning to the party.

*Welcome calls from other parents to discuss party arrangements and notify neighbors beforehand that a party is planned and will be supervised.

*Plan snacks & activities – have plenty of food and non-alcoholic drinks on hand and plan fun activities such as movies, dancing, sports, that everyone can enjoy together. Unique and sober teen party suggestions offered by Love to Know can be found at:

*Feedback – after the party, talk with your teen to share observations and frustrations.

Safe and sober parties help teens celebrate in a fun but low-risk way. For tips  on how to host safe teen parties, visit Informed Families at and take the Safe Homes, Smart Parties pledge promising that no alcohol or drugs will be present at parties you host. 

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