Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mental Health for Pregnancy & Postpartum


May is Mental Health Awareness Month dedicated to increasing awareness and erasing the stigma. 1-in-5 adults in the U.S. live with a mental illness – whether it’s anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or a more serious diagnosis, experts say we all need to keep our mental health in check. InnerAct Alliance is dedicated to helping to dispel the stigma of mental illness and make it clear that “It is okay not to be okay.”

Week Three’s focus is on the Importance of Maternal Mental Health among Pregnant and Postpartum People. It is often said that pregnant mothers glow from the inside out. Pregnancy and giving birth can be joyful but it can also prevent a variety of strong emotions which may include feeling overwhelmed, scared, tired, worried, and inadequate. Depression, anxiety, and other symptoms during or after pregnancy are common and treatable – it can affect new parents of every culture, age, gender, race, and income level.

For many people, these feelings go away on their own in time. But for some, these emotions may be more serious and require assistance. Proper self-care and seeking help when you need it can help you maintain good mental health. Seeking help is the first step to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible.

If you are not feeling like yourself, remember that you’re not alone and it’s okay to seek help. SAMHSA offers resources to support the mental health journey at all ages and stages of life. 

Reach out: ➡️

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