Thursday, May 16, 2024

Take Action Today: Mental Health Action Day – Thursday, May 16


InnerAct Alliance is joining with our prevention partners at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for Mental Health Action Day today, Thursday, May 16, with the goal to shift our mental health culture from awareness to action.

Emotional health can range from thriving to struggling but no matter what we are experiencing, there are ways to support yourself and those around you. Mental Health Action Day encourages and empowers people to take charge of their mental wellness. Proactive steps can be as simple as adopting a positive “mental health habit” like eating a balanced diet, getting a good night’s rest, exercising, or offering support to a friend or family member.

SAMHSA offers simple actions that everyone can take to improve their mental health:

*Practice gratitude – think about what you’re thankful for – like supportive family and friends, a safe home, or even a beautiful day. Find something to celebrate, like a recent accomplishment. Consciously practicing gratitude may reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

*Volunteer – participating in community organizations and finding opportunities to help others can provide a positive boost and sense of purpose.

*Engage in random acts of kindness – buy a cup of coffee for a person in line behind you, hold the door for a stranger, or make food for a neighbor or colleague. Small acts that can brighten someone else’s day.

*Practice mindfulness – take a few minutes to mediate, take a yoga class, or do some breathing exercises to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

*Recovery is possible – whether it is for yourself or someone else, seek help through SAMHSA’s resources:

During Mental Health Awareness Month in May, we encourage you to have more conversations about mental wellness, share helpful resources, and help eliminate stigma and misinformation about mental health. 

Mental Health is Health

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